I have been exploring different approaches regarding my digestive problems. However, the idea of having to take supplements every day sounds overwhelming.
According to the Neighbourhood Wellness Clinic website, Vitamins like magnesium, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E are challenging for the body to absorb and hard to adequate amounts through food. They say there are better options than taking supplements in pill form: Intravenous (IV) Vitamin drip therapy.
After reading about IV Vitamin Drip therapy and what it does, I’m more likely to have a go at it. You may also be curious about this method of vitamin supplementation, so let’s look at what this therapy method is all about.
6 Questions To Ask Before Getting Your IV Vitamin Drip

1. What is an IV Vitamin Drip Therapy?
Administering nutrients through the veins is a technique used to directly deliver essential substances into the bloodstream. When you visit a clinic, a clinician or nurse will insert an intravenous (IV) line into your vein to facilitate the delivery of nutrients. This method ensures that the nutrients bypass the digestive system and are immediately absorbed by the body.
2. How much does IV Vitamin Drip Therapy Cost?
It depends on what kind of drip you want to administer and where you get your treatment. IV vitamin drips range between R300 and R1000 but can cost an upward of R3000.
After the infusion, the vitamins will remain in your system for about two to four weeks. And I don’t think medical aid will cover the cost, not mine anyway.
I’m looking to visit one of The IV Bars branches near me at Constantia Village shopping centre in Constantia. I would opt for the Glutamine Drip with glutamines to help promote my gut health as it allows the intestinal microvilli to absorb nutrients. According to their website, I’ll need about R325 for a standalone drip. And it’ll take 15 minutes away from my time.
Why would You need Vitamins Anyway?
Last year, my GP diagnosed me with severely low vitamin D levels in my blood. There was nothing to panic about, but I needed to take something my levels up. The doctor prescribed one tablet of Calciferol (known as Vitamin D) per week for six months.
Did you know that low vitamin D levels (sunshine vitamins) are more common in darker-skinned people? I didn`t, and my friends were as surprised. I come from Mahikeng, a semi-dry and hot town in South Africa. Isn’t Vitamin D deficiency a lack of sunshine? We’ll have a chat on that in my later post.
I have noticed that my glands aren’t as inflamed as before, which means the supplements worked. And that’s one of the things that Vitamin D does; it helps with inflamed glands.
Unfortunately, I can`t say I feel any less tired and weary, but I genuinely cannot fault my lack of Vitamin D. I blame my four-year-old son.
Vitamins such as Vitamin D play a role in our bodies; each of us needs it in small amounts to help our bodies work correctly. Most vitamins need to come from food because the body either does not produce them or produces very little.
My GP says scientific evidence isn’t clear when taking supplements and that they are unnecessary if you eat a healthy diet. My problem started when I omitted eggs from my diet. Therefore, people aged 65 years and above and others like me must get clued up about their Vitamin lacking.
3. Which Vitamins are used in the IV Vitamin Drip?
The vitamins included in a vitamin drip depend on your needed treatment. For instance, I’m looking for a healthier gut, so I’ll probably choose the Glutamine IV Vitamin drip. Some of the most common vitamins and minerals IV give are magnesium, calcium, vitamin B, zinc, arginine, and vitamin C.
4. What to consider before getting the IV?
If you do decide to take supplements using the IV method, then you should be aware of the following:
- Remember that no scientific evidence or regulation is approved for this therapy method.
- It’s not necessarily a painful procedure, but it is not for you if you’re scared of needles.
- Ask your doctor about it and what you need before starting the process. And you can always ask for a referral to a clinic. Your doctor knows which medication you’re on and what conditions you may have like allergies or underlying problems.
5. Reason to use the IV Vitamin Drip Therapy
- Boost energy levels/hangover relief
- Detoxification
- For aesthetic reasons
- Severe hydration due to diarrhoea
- Gut health
- Hydration for your skin
- Weight loss goals
- Asthma, Crohn’s
- Recovery from surgery and bacterial or viral infections such as pneumonia or severe sinusitis
Are there any risks?
Administering vitamins using the IV drip is safe, but remember that they have high doses of vitamins and minerals that can harm your system. There could be some complications, which may include Vitamin toxicity. With an overload of vitamins and minerals, the kidneys could get overwhelmed and work overtime to eliminate the unnecessary vitamins and minerals in your body.
Less traumatic side effects are the typical pain, bruising swelling and bleeding at the injection site.
6. Where can You get it administered?
It’s likely at aesthetic clinics, IV health clinics, and IV Bars/intravenous vitamin centres. In an article in Drum Magazine (2022), Dr. Sanda Ntshangase of Sandz Medical Centre cautions that before getting your IV Vitamin Drip, it is essential to ensure that whoever is offering to hook you onto a drip and pump vitamins into your bloodstream is trained and licensed to do it. The nurse/clinician should come with extensive experience in dripping clients.
“I know vitamin IV therapy is given in lots of wellness clinics. I would be tentative about receiving IV drips from any kind of wellness clinic that doesn’t have a doctor or nurse doing that.”
Dr Ntshangase of Durban-based Sandz Medical Centre
Anything to do with your wellness and health, the best thing to do is to have an honest chat with your GP. I would never have known that my lack of energy, sleep and inflamed glands were due to the lack of Vitamin D. Heath care professionals are in the best position to assess you and make an informed decision.
Please comment below if you have tried this method of treatment.
Chat soon.
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