Tumelo Moleleki, a self-published author was interviewed for this month’s Meet The Author feature. You might recognize the author from her Her Heart book series. She has nine novels and six short stories to her credit. She is a South African writer who enjoys sports and can apparently cycle for hours without suffering from debilitating…
Category: South Africa Literature
13 Fabulous African Picture Books For Your Toddler
If you’re looking for something to read to your little ones this festive season, here are some fabulous African Story Books you should check out. You probably have some of them on your bookshelves. I chose them based on how entertaining their storylines are and their colourful, quirky illustrations. Your toddler will want to hear…
Coffee With Children’s Book Author, Kariema Taliep Davids
A week ago, Kariema Taliep Davids, a children’s book author and entrepreneur invited me for coffee at her house in Wetton, Cape Town. We spoke about her journey to becoming a self-published author, her love for reading, and how her first grandchild, Haniyah, led to her publishing a children’s book. After two hours of chit-chat,…
Book Review Weeping Waters | Karyn Brynard – Not Everyone is Your Friend
Weeping Waters by Karin Brynard is a crime fiction novel that is set in a small community by the Karoo, Northern Cape. The community setting is particularly important here, as this novel explores how people can be affected by what happens in their surrounding environment. We’re introduced to a police detective Inspector Albertus Beeslaar. He…